Over the past few years, I’ve spent a lot of time reading books and blogs that could help get more things done. But then I realised the reason why I wasn’t getting things done is that I spent more time researching the methods rather than actually doing things. I didn’t have my priorities right. While… Continue reading
Post Category → Productivity
How to Make More Time
How many times have you found yourself complaining about not having enough time to do all those things you’ve been procrastinating to do like working-out often, reading, writing, eating healthy? I’ve found myself so many times not doing a lot of things that I know I should be doing because I told myself I don’t… Continue reading
Just Get Started.
Time and time again we get flooded with all these tasks to complete in our to-do list. Sometimes these may get so overwhelming that you won’t even know where to start. Sounds like you? Read on.